Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A coupleof updates....

We are finally making progress on getting Payton into her therapy sessions! I got a letter in the mail saying they have an opening but when I called they said they had left several messages and when I didnt respond they closed the case. Come to find out it was the wrong number so they are getting the case opened back up and hopefully SOON she will start therapy! Payton also had an "intervention" at school this week. I was nervous at first! The letter sent home really came off that they wanted to use Payton as a guinea pig and asking me to agree to testing etc. I was NOT comfortable with that idea. My mom and I attended the meeting and I was pleasantly surprised. They did ask lots of questions about Selective Mutism so luckily my mom and I came prepared with research and the news story that aired last week and complimenting article. Her teacher is really impressed with how far Payton has come. She's the first to raise her hand during math and then she answers the questions by holding up fingers. She also follows along with her fingers during reading group, gets her own glue sticks etc. Her teacher told the school board how Payton was "on target, no above target for her age group" her words, not mine but it made me boast that I have a smart cookie for a daughter lol. We came up with some ideas together such as Payton recording Mrs. S messages and having her play them back to her at school. Also my mom mentioned how she likes to help the other kids in Sunday school and does talk in very small group settings at church. The one special ed teacher suggested maybe she let Payton come with a group of 2 girls that need help and let Payton help tudor them and hope it would encourage some words with the smaller group setting. Payton had so much fun holding up flash cards etc for the other girls. She told me how she was helping the girls learn their letters and it was fun! Payton also is recieving an award at school tonight. Each month 10 kids are nominated for the entire school for showing things like pride, sportsmanship, responsibility etc. Payton was nominated by the Librarian.

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