Tuesday, September 11, 2007

hmmm, maybe a new idea!

Payton had her first "library day" at school today. We read the book she picked three times together. Payton really enjoyed the book and wanted to tell her teacher how much she liked it. I got the idea of maybe writing a note to tell Mrs S about it! With my help, Payton wrote her teacher a note about how she read the book and really liked it! She's now communicating through head gestures, sign and now paper...we just need talking lol!

Haven't heard back from her pediatricians office about the referral yet so I'll call back tomorrow. She had an ok day at school today. She was kinda in a bad mood because I made her wear pants (she went through the same type of thing last Spring with wearing shorts after she was so used to pants.) Mrs S asked me what was wrong today and kinda acted like she thought it was strange when I told her the reason why she was acting funny today. I don't know if there's a connection to the SM but Payton is picky about certain fabrics, freaks out when her hands are sticky etc...just generally pretty sensitive about things like that. She had a decent day at school though and said they had inside recess and she played with the kids in her class....yeah!

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