Monday, September 10, 2007

Teacher meeting and Referral

Wow a big day! My mom and I printed a bunch of information on Selective Mutism and went to school a little early to present it to her teacher in hopes that maybe she would understand Payton better. She did thank us for the info but she seems somewhat indifferent about all this. We asked if my mom or I could be present when they did the retesting to help Payton feel comfortable so maybe she would do the test and she just told us the principal would have to approve that. We brought her a video of Payton doing her Kindergarten testing from last year too so hopefully that will show her that Payton IS doing all the things she needs to be doing. I'm thinking about e-mailing her in another day or so to tell her we don't need her to do anything special for Payton...just not pressure her to talk! I called her pediatricians office back and she agreed with me it wouldn't be a bad idea to get her into a specialist. They referred us to a Behavioral Neuropsychiatric Specialist but they didn't accept our insurance so I'm waiting to hear back again. I know she doesnt have behavior issues but with there being so few specialists out there thats where they are getting started. Children's Hospital by us has a SM program so after she gets her "offical" diagnosis we'll go from there. I feel like some pressure has been lifted and Payton does too. We told her that she can talk when she's ready and we won't "make" her talk if she's not ready to. She has an awesome day at school today and even got a totsie roll as a reward which she was very excited about!

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